Sunday 28 February 2010


Ok, I'm leaving back in a few days time, leaving Honolulu on the 3rd and get to Sweden the 5th... I've been a bit lazy with this blog lately, but here's some updates from random days and pictures...

One of the first days down the beach while standing on the queue to buy some water this random man comes up and says "do you know why the palm trees are crooking"?

While I'm thinking 'why does he asks this random questino' I say: sorry I don't know...
and he replies: because the government planted them, and the government is crooking.

Well, for those who don't know the palm trees are not naturally from here, they were actually planted :/

A random tree from Hawaii (well, I guess this one hasn't been planted too lol)

This is 'Duke Kanahamoku', he is a very important person for the surfing history and culture, he is the one who brought surfing from old school to new school...

A random picture...

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