Sunday 21 February 2010

Day 28. Snorkling and additional poker night (IV)

Today we went snorkling for a bit close to waikiki beach, and of course I brought my camera ;) so here's some pictures... I also made a small recording under water which you can see, quality was pretty suprising :) but unfortunately I didn't catch any fishes on film, however there's a random ending ;)

I know, it was sat and not wed, but we decided for a poker night anyways... anyhow, and after rebuying 3 times (spew, but it was appearently worth it), I ended up heads up against the other person who also bought in 3 times... except us two there was only 1 more person who re-bought 1 time.. so it was funny to see that the only ones that re-bought like mad were the ones ending up winning it... yup, boring as we were we decided to split the money (time was like past 2am, so pretty late) of $270 making it $135 each (but remember we also rebought 3 times, so the profit was only $85 :p)

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