Thursday 18 February 2010

Day 25. Poker Nigt III

Today I spent the whole day being lazy watching tv-shows and playing 'The Godfather II' on PS3...
Ok, so another week, another wednseday, another poker night... This time I managed to fight my way through, and it wasn't easy... once I went all in with A9s, there was so much dead money in the pot and my stack wasn't very big, got called by A4o, the flop came a 4 with flush draw for me but his 4 held all the way and I lost so I had to do a rebuy.. from there I got my way back to ending playing heads up against Lilis... however, it was late and she's got uni tomorrow so we decided to just split the pot which was $180, so got $90 each :)

(we play with $20 buy-in and $10 rebuy where you only get 75% of starting stack)

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