Wednesday 3 March 2010

Top of Waikiki

One day we decided to go up to this restaurant&bar which is on a spinning platform on the top of a building in the middle of waikiki, it was a pretty view but unfortunately most of the view has now been destroy by tall buildings :/

Sunday 28 February 2010


Ok, I'm leaving back in a few days time, leaving Honolulu on the 3rd and get to Sweden the 5th... I've been a bit lazy with this blog lately, but here's some updates from random days and pictures...

One of the first days down the beach while standing on the queue to buy some water this random man comes up and says "do you know why the palm trees are crooking"?

While I'm thinking 'why does he asks this random questino' I say: sorry I don't know...
and he replies: because the government planted them, and the government is crooking.

Well, for those who don't know the palm trees are not naturally from here, they were actually planted :/

A random tree from Hawaii (well, I guess this one hasn't been planted too lol)

This is 'Duke Kanahamoku', he is a very important person for the surfing history and culture, he is the one who brought surfing from old school to new school...

A random picture...

Sunday 21 February 2010

Day 28. Snorkling and additional poker night (IV)

Today we went snorkling for a bit close to waikiki beach, and of course I brought my camera ;) so here's some pictures... I also made a small recording under water which you can see, quality was pretty suprising :) but unfortunately I didn't catch any fishes on film, however there's a random ending ;)

I know, it was sat and not wed, but we decided for a poker night anyways... anyhow, and after rebuying 3 times (spew, but it was appearently worth it), I ended up heads up against the other person who also bought in 3 times... except us two there was only 1 more person who re-bought 1 time.. so it was funny to see that the only ones that re-bought like mad were the ones ending up winning it... yup, boring as we were we decided to split the money (time was like past 2am, so pretty late) of $270 making it $135 each (but remember we also rebought 3 times, so the profit was only $85 :p)

Thursday 18 February 2010

Day 25. Poker Nigt III

Today I spent the whole day being lazy watching tv-shows and playing 'The Godfather II' on PS3...
Ok, so another week, another wednseday, another poker night... This time I managed to fight my way through, and it wasn't easy... once I went all in with A9s, there was so much dead money in the pot and my stack wasn't very big, got called by A4o, the flop came a 4 with flush draw for me but his 4 held all the way and I lost so I had to do a rebuy.. from there I got my way back to ending playing heads up against Lilis... however, it was late and she's got uni tomorrow so we decided to just split the pot which was $180, so got $90 each :)

(we play with $20 buy-in and $10 rebuy where you only get 75% of starting stack)

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Day 24. Update after being without internet for a few days..

Ok, so my friends somehow "didn't get the bill" for cable&internet, so I haven't been able to update for almost a week, luckely enough there's only a few things to fill in on and some quite nice pictures :)

We wen't to a Japanese Grill Restaurant, it was pretty cool, the chef pulled of some tricks with the food and stuff flying around :D

This is a Mai-Tai, it's a really sweet drink, after a few sips it gets faar too sweet so my next order was a Pina Colada, unfortunately I didn't take a pic of it but it was really nice! I enjoyed it until the end!

The Onion Vulcano:

How to slice shrimps with a "slow motion show" in the middle!

And today Alicia took me to for a long walk to see a nice waterfall, however when we finally got there it turned out to be dry! :(